Xtra PC : does it work part 2

Welcome to part 2 :) Here you can find the review for Xtra-PC (Part 1)

When our laptops and desktop computers get older year after year, they also become slower and less reliable. Xtra-PC doesn't modify any of your files. There is thus no hardware involved to make the computer faster (and they do not claim there is), except if your hard drive is slower than a flash USB stick. It's more expensive, than $25 for 8Gb flash drive with Xtra-PC, but it would be bigger disappointment to find out that it doesn't boot up (of course, moneyback, but I bet there is a shipping cost for that).

If you decide to give Linux a try (cost: one flash drive and your time) then I suggest you post here, as far as you can, the make and model and the hardware specs. What that xtra-pc is really doing is just providing linux to the general public using easy to under stand language.

Since it functions as a flash drive, you just have to plug it in, reboot your PC, and it's ready to use. PrairieIT supplies software to transform outdated PCs into useful computers. If you don't have a NAS or backup drive for your important files and data on existing computers and aren't backing up your data, you may want to consider using the extra PC as a backup device.

Extra PC is not a new computer; instead it is a USB-like device that you plug into your computer to enhance its performance and speed. Yes, it's just a lightweight Linux distribution on a USB stick. This makes it possible for people to donate old computers and know that their data is secure.

You don't have to locate and download a Linux distribution file, make a bootable USB drive or optical disk, or go hunting for drivers appropriate to your obsolete hardware (Xtra-PC does the last). Basically, your old Windows OS is bypassed so you're using the Linux as your OS with your computer's hardware.

This mid weight Linux operating system, will run quite quickly in most older systems. Xtra-PC is available in three different versions, so you can choose the one that's perfect for you. Basically, it's a custom operating system, based on the proven foundation of Linux, that runs directly from the Xtra-PC USB device, and it even works on computers with a missing or crashed hard drive.

Instead of running out and purchasing an new computer, you may just want to consider giving your device the extra performance boost that it needs with a new product on the market. That led to the release of the company's software, Xtra-PC. The software is very easy to install and doesn't require in-depth computer skills to install or use.

Basically, it's a custom operating system, based on the proven foundation of Linux, that runs directly from the Xtra-PC USB device. I just ordered a thing called Xtra-PC , which is basically a Linux bootup on a thumb drive. It was not working (no way to boot an ASUS Eee1015BX, windows 7with that) and asked for help immediately on their'''' support'''' department.

Really old computers don't have option to boot up from USB. The How It Works explains that it is a USB flash drive, with a copy of Linux on it, to bypass the Windows operating system installed on your (post-2004) PC. Because it functions as a USB PC stick and runs on a completely different OS, you won't alter any of your existingĂ‚ files but will still be able to access them.

I'll most likely begin with the Linux Mint, which is a Ubuntu knockoff It can easily use all of the Ubuntu software easily, and it can be made to resemble Windows better(Cinnamon). We have finally tested the free file rescue software that comes with Xtra-PC Pro, trying to recover files from a corrupted hard disk.


  1. Amazing post! .I appreciate your hard work. Thank you for sharing. I have also shared some useful information. Xtra Pc Reviews on Ossward.org


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